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Title of the Power System Simulation
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Contingency Analysis of 16 bus system using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Ajin Raj D)
Dynamic Study of 69 Bus Radial Networks with DG using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Aritra Banerjee)
Dynamic Study on Wind Farm Modelling by using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Gandra Mahesh)
Fault analysis of 33 bus distribution system using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Ms R.abhisha, R.rabecca And S.selsiya)
Five bus system under fault, AVR disturbances and line openings (Proposed by Mr Samboju Sai Kiran)
IEEE 10-generator 39-bus system (Proposed by Mr Gandra Mahesh)
IEEE14 bus system implementation using the OpenIPSL (Proposed by Prof Prof. Luigi Vanfretti)
IEEE9 bus system implementation using the OpenIPSL (Proposed by Prof Prof. Luigi Vanfretti)
Kundur's Two-Area System Modelling using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Dr Prof. Luigi Vanfretti And Maxime Baudette)
Modelling and Simulation of 1 generator and 9 bus using the OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Aritra Banerjee)
Modelling and Simulation of 11 bus and 3 Generator System using the OpenIPSL (Proposed by Ms Avantika Srivastava)
Modelling and Simulation of 4 Machine 10 bus system using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Syed Yasser Ali)
Modelling and Simulation of 51-bus System using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr R. Asick)
Modelling and Simulation of IEEE 118 bus system using OpenIPSL(To be verified) (Proposed by Mr R. Asick)
Modelling and Simulation of IEEE 24 Bus system using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Syed Yasser Ali)
Modelling and Simulation of Illini 42 bus system using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Syed Yasser Ali)
Modelling and Simulation of radial distribution feeder using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Syed Yasser Ali)
Modelling of 10 bus system using OpenIPSL. (Proposed by Mr Arumilli Hemanth)
Modelling of 17 Bus Distribution System By using the OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Gandra Mahesh)
Modelling of 18 Bus Distribution System with Linear Loads using the OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Gandra Mahesh)
Modelling of 22 Bus Distribution System using the OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Gandra Mahesh)
Modelling of 6 bus power system under variable load using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Ms Sai Suma Yallapragada)
Modelling of a 3 bus system under fault using the OpenIPSL (Proposed by Ms Amrita Mukherjee)
Modelling of a five bus power system under three phase fault using the OpenIPSL (Proposed by Ms Sai Suma Yallapragada)
Modelling of an Islanded Operation Controller for Power Systems Study (Proposed by Mr Biswarup Mukherjee and Prof. Luigi Vanfretti)
Modelling of Benin,Onitsha and Alaoji (330Kv) system using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Samboju Sai Kiran)
Modelling of Benin,Onitsha and Alaoji (fault) using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Samboju Sai Kiran)
Modelling of fault analysis of 6-bus System (Proposed by Mr Mohd Ayaz)
Modelling of IEEE 62 bus system using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Syed Yasser Ali)
Modelling of IEEE modified 30 bus system using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Syed Yasser Ali)
Modelling of Open Circuit fault analysis of 11 bus system using the OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Aritra Banerjee)
Modelling of RBTS system along with Generation Expansion Planning (Proposed by Mr Gandra Mahesh)
Modelling of single machine distribution network using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Syed Yasser Ali)
Modelling of single machine infinite bus (SMIB Controlled) using the OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Biswarup Mukherjee and Prof. Luigi Vanfretti)
Modelling of single machine infinite bus (SMIB) using the OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Biswarup Mukherjee and Prof. Luigi Vanfretti)
Power system modelling of a 4-bus system using varying load from OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Pritish Chatterjee)
Power System Modelling using a Gas Turbine Governor System (GGOV) (Proposed by Prof Prof. Luigi Vanfretti and Biswarup Mukherjee)
Power System Modelling using a Time Varying Load from OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Biswarup Mukherjee)
Renewable Energy Integration of 37-Bus System using OpenIPSL (Proposed by Mr Mohd Ayaz)
Test Set-Up to Validate Constant PSAT PQ Load Under OpenIPSL (Proposed by Prof Prof. Luigi Vanfretti and Biswarup Mukherjee)
Voltage Stability Enhancement in IEEE 57 bus Test system using STATCOM (Proposed by Mr Alvin Paul P, Anskar Nishanth A, Sujin Akash M And Ajin Raj D)
About the Power System Simulation
Proposer Name:
Mr Syed Yasser Ali
Title of the Simulation:
Modelling of single machine distribution network using OpenIPSL
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad
EHV-AC, HVDC by S.Rao from page number 926
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