Power Systems Simulation Project
FOSSEE, IIT Bombay invites Electrical engineering students, faculty and practitioners to the Power System Simulation Project using OpenModelica and OpenIPSL library. We want you to develop power system networks in OpenModelica using OpenIPSL library through the following steps and get honoraria and certificates:
- Download OpenModelica by clicking on this link.
- Download OpenIPSL library by clicking on this link.
- How to include OpenIPSL in OpenModelica is explained in this document.
- Learn to use OpenModelica using these Spoken Tutorials.
- Take any power system network (from a project report, textbook, online resources or a journal) and model it in OpenModelica using OpenIPSL library.
- A few sample models are available under Completed Simulations.
- Please email contact[hyphen]pssp[at]fossee[dot]in for further help and to send in the completed simulations.
Note: Ensure that the proposed simulation is not available under Completed Simulations or Simulations in Progress.